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Pocket Radar CEO, Steve Goody, Chats with Art of Pitching Podcast

by Pocket Radar January 26, 2018

Pocket Radar’s CEO, Steve Goody, spoke with the Art of Pitching (a Podcast hosted by Chance Riley) at the 2018 ABCA convention in Indianapolis about the Ball Coach radar and “all about the struggles that were involved in turning it from an idea into a reality.”  Click on the image below to follow the link and listen to their conversion:

About Art of Pitching Podcast

Hosted by Chance Riley, the Art of Pitching Podcast features stories about the pursuit of greatness in baseball and the lessons learned along the way.

About Pocket Radar

From the world’s smallest certified accurate speed radar, to the only radar gun specifically designed for coaching and training, Pocket Radar has engineered a revolutionary product line to fit your speed measurement needs. Each Pocket Radar design includes exceptional performance and technology that fits in the palm of your hand. Pocket Radar products are convenient and rugged enough for everyday use by everyone from pro to amateur, to National Championship winning coaches and anyone interested in speed. For more information about Pocket Radar, visit

If you have any questions or would like to share your Pocket Radar stories, please give is a call toll-free at 888-381-2672 from 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time, or e-mail us at

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Pocket Radar

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